We are having a blast being married (going on 5 months!) and we love living in Provo. Our little apartment has become our cozy home and we don't like thinking that we will be leaving it in a few months. Ben is busy busy finshing up school with all his projects, papers, and tests. But he's a genius and works really hard so he will do well like always. He will graduate in April with a degree in Economics. I finished up my student teaching at Timpview High School and and am loving the freedom. It was a great experience and I learned a lot...probably knowing that I really did go into the right field is the best news coming out of it:) I graduated from Utah State University with a degree in Mathematics and Statistics on the 15th which I was more than ready for. I had a great time at USU but am ready to be the "real" teacher:)

We love you all and wish you a very Merry Christmas!
The Garrisons