Then we went to my favorite restaurant--The Olive Garden. Yummy yummy!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Park City
What a rockin' anniversary weekend!! It started off on Saturday with The Dark Knight--such a good movie. We loved it. All we were told about the movie was how "dark and evil" it was, but after seeing it, we both thought it wasn't as bad as we thought...I mean of course it was evil cause any bad guy is--but it was cool.
Then we went to my favorite restaurant--The Olive Garden. Yummy yummy!
After dinner we went to a concert in Layton, called IMAGINE. It's a group of 4 men that dress, act, and sing the Beatles songs. It was a blast! They were so good and sounded JUST like the Beatles. It was outdoors and great weather and fun music.
We came back to Ben's dad's house to sleep in the pool house (which we do often). And it was decorated with Reeses, Skittles, 2 monkeys that were holding hands:) and a huge bouquets of bright pink roses!! SO pretty!
Sunday we went to church with Ben's mom and had lunch with her before we left around 4pm to a secret place! I had no idea, I kept thinking hard about where we could possibly be going and I honestly had no idea. I even fell asleep pretty much the whole way and when I woke up--PARK CITY!! Yay, so fun! This was our posh room: 
We rented Vantage Point Sunday night--great movie and made Mac & Cheese. Then Monday we woke up and went and worked out at the sweet gym there in the Marriot. Then we went swimming for a couple hours.
We went shopping at the Tanger Outlet mall which was so fun. We had a few 20% off coupons we just HAD to use:) So we each got a couple new pairs of shoes. Much needed:) Love them! Then since we had spent some moola on shopping we decided to bag the nice dinner idea and go to ARBY'S! Which was so good!
On our way home today I thought the surprises were over! But NO! We took a detour in SLC and went to a Go-Kart racing place! We first met go-kart racing and he married me cause I was so good. We went back last year to see if he could win and he couldn't, so today he was especially determined to beat his wifey! HAHA!! I WON! I spanked him. The guys that worked there kept cheering and clapping for me and throwing their hands up like "What's going on?" when Ben would pass.
Then we went to my favorite restaurant--The Olive Garden. Yummy yummy!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Happy Anniversary Honey!

Exactly one year ago from July 26th, my beautiful wife and I were sealed in the Salt Lake City Temple. I am so grateful for my amazing wife and have been so blessed by our eternal union. She is perfect for me and I love her with all my heart. The following, as inspired by Doug Brewster and lovingly encouraged by my wife :) are just a few of the countless reasons why I love my Camille so deeply:
1. She is beautiful and always puts forth the effort to look pretty for me.
2. I love that she is spiritual and encourages me to grow in the gospel.
3. Camille has a contagious personality and it's so fun to spend time with my girl.
4. She is very talented. She plays the piano incredibly well and is also a fabulous photographer.
5. I appreciate that she is optimistic and happy...unless I've said something stupid (in a girl's mind anyway) ...
6. She lets me win most games we play ;)
7. She thinks my hair is sexy- Yeah baby!
8. While I don't like to shave everyday, she leads by example and shaves, on average, once a week...
9. I love that she exercises and stays fit and is good to drag me along with her.
10. She is loving, sensitive, appreciative, and thoughtful. I just love all the energy she puts out to show me she loves me.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
One Year Anniversary!!
It's been a YEAR!! I can't believe how fast it's gone. Time flies when you're having fun! We've loved every minute!!!!!!
I love thinking back on our beautiful wedding day. It was so perfect and so fun. Getting married to the man of my dreams was the most amazing moment of my life.

Ben has a lot of things planned for the next few days. We are going to The Dark Knight right now, going to dinner, and then a concert in Layton. Tomorrow we are leaving somewhere "secret" at 3pm and won't be back till Tuesday! I have NO idea where we're going and I can't WAIT!! I'll write about our get-away when we get back!
Love you Ben with all my heart!

Ben has a lot of things planned for the next few days. We are going to The Dark Knight right now, going to dinner, and then a concert in Layton. Tomorrow we are leaving somewhere "secret" at 3pm and won't be back till Tuesday! I have NO idea where we're going and I can't WAIT!! I'll write about our get-away when we get back!
Love you Ben with all my heart!
Friday, July 25, 2008
July 24th & 25th
Our 24th of July celebration was spent with David, Janelle, and Hazel Phipps. They came up from Salt Lake and we had a BBQ and went swimming. It was so fun!
Hazel is the cutest little girl in the world and loves the water! Can't wait for Subway next week guys!
So I'm just on a roll and going shorter and shorter:) This morning I got my hair cut!

I loved it! I took about 3 inches off and put both blonde and my natural light brown back in. Ben likes it...but still misses my long hair. Oh well--I'm having fun! Let me know what you think!
I loved it! I took about 3 inches off and put both blonde and my natural light brown back in. Ben likes it...but still misses my long hair. Oh well--I'm having fun! Let me know what you think!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
I've been doing lots and lots of pictures lately and it's so much fun. I love being such a huge part of these special days. And speaking of bees, I was doing Elyse's bridals last night up at the Utah State mental hospital and there were swarms of hornets, I got stung along with about 4 other people there. One little girl got stung 6 times! Bee stings hurt!! 
Go to for all my new stuff:)

Monday, July 21, 2008
Ok fine! I have been tagged a couple of times by friends and just ignored them:) I don't know why I've been avoiding doing one of these, but I guess I'll finally try it!
A - Attached or single? "Attached at the hip" to my amazing husband Ben.
B - Best friend? Benjamin Thomas Garrison...I hope everyone can say their spousy!
C - Cake or pie? Key lime pie
D - Day of choice? Well, I'm pretty spoiled. Ben and I don't work and have just been playing all right now--everyday is the best! When Ben starts work I'll love Saturdays and Sundays when we can play again.
E - Essential item? Chocolate
F - Favorite color? Hot bright PINK baby!
G - Gummy bears or worms? Yucky! Give me chocolate!
H - Hometown? Huntsville, Ut -- Best place on earth!
I - Indulgences? Cereal, string cheese, chocolate, chap stick, big hugs, warm blankets, laughing, and kissing Ben.
J - January or July? In Utah, July cause it's summer, warm, play time, and our anniversary!
K - Kids? Yes.
L - Life isn't complete without? Family, family, family.
M - Marriage date? July 26, 2007
N - Number of brothers and sisters? One brother (James-13) and three sisters (Raquel-20, Anna-16, and Brooke-10)
O - Oranges or apples? Oranges. Apples make my lips and gums itch...maybe I'm allergic to them?
P - Phobias or fears? Spiders and losing people I love.
Q - Quote? "Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves." -Albert Einstein
R - Reason to smile? Man I feel like a newlywed with my answers--but I've got to be honest right? BEN! Ben is my reason to smile everyday.
S - Season of choice? Fall--love the colors, the leaves, the crisp perfect weather, and the smell of the air.
T - Tag six: Sarah Layton, Lyndee Peterson, Janelle Phipps, Jamie Garn, Sara Suman, and Krystal Rogers
U - Unknown fact about me? I'm allergic to bananas & cantaloupe (and maybe apples!), and yogurt makes me gag.
V - Vegetable? Corn on the cob
W - Worst habit? Popping my knuckles
X - X-ray or ultrasound? Haven't broken a bone and haven't had a baby.
Y - Your favorite food? French fries, cereal, & cheese
Z - Zodiac sign? Taurus
1 – Number of siblings Ben has (Jon-23)
2 – Number of times I've worn this same outfit
3 – Number of inches I'm cutting off my hair on Friday!
4 – Weeks till we move to San Francisco
5 – Years from now I'll be 27!
6 – Days till our One-Year Anniversary!
7 – Weeks we spent in South East Asia
8 – Years I've had my Driver's License
9 – +4 = My favorite number
10 – Days till Subway Zions with the Phipps!
A - Attached or single? "Attached at the hip" to my amazing husband Ben.
B - Best friend? Benjamin Thomas Garrison...I hope everyone can say their spousy!
C - Cake or pie? Key lime pie
D - Day of choice? Well, I'm pretty spoiled. Ben and I don't work and have just been playing all right now--everyday is the best! When Ben starts work I'll love Saturdays and Sundays when we can play again.
E - Essential item? Chocolate
F - Favorite color? Hot bright PINK baby!
G - Gummy bears or worms? Yucky! Give me chocolate!
H - Hometown? Huntsville, Ut -- Best place on earth!
I - Indulgences? Cereal, string cheese, chocolate, chap stick, big hugs, warm blankets, laughing, and kissing Ben.
J - January or July? In Utah, July cause it's summer, warm, play time, and our anniversary!
K - Kids? Yes.
L - Life isn't complete without? Family, family, family.
M - Marriage date? July 26, 2007
N - Number of brothers and sisters? One brother (James-13) and three sisters (Raquel-20, Anna-16, and Brooke-10)
O - Oranges or apples? Oranges. Apples make my lips and gums itch...maybe I'm allergic to them?
P - Phobias or fears? Spiders and losing people I love.
Q - Quote? "Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves." -Albert Einstein
R - Reason to smile? Man I feel like a newlywed with my answers--but I've got to be honest right? BEN! Ben is my reason to smile everyday.
S - Season of choice? Fall--love the colors, the leaves, the crisp perfect weather, and the smell of the air.
T - Tag six: Sarah Layton, Lyndee Peterson, Janelle Phipps, Jamie Garn, Sara Suman, and Krystal Rogers
U - Unknown fact about me? I'm allergic to bananas & cantaloupe (and maybe apples!), and yogurt makes me gag.
V - Vegetable? Corn on the cob
W - Worst habit? Popping my knuckles
X - X-ray or ultrasound? Haven't broken a bone and haven't had a baby.
Y - Your favorite food? French fries, cereal, & cheese
Z - Zodiac sign? Taurus
1 – Number of siblings Ben has (Jon-23)
2 – Number of times I've worn this same outfit
3 – Number of inches I'm cutting off my hair on Friday!
4 – Weeks till we move to San Francisco
5 – Years from now I'll be 27!
6 – Days till our One-Year Anniversary!
7 – Weeks we spent in South East Asia
8 – Years I've had my Driver's License
9 – +4 = My favorite number
10 – Days till Subway Zions with the Phipps!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Asia Slideshows
I thought I'd upload a few slideshows to give a better overview of the trip. We just have so many pictures!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Home Sweet Home
So we made it! After 3 days of pure traveling, we made it to America! Oh how we love America. It was such a good feeling to get off that plane and feel so welcome and comfortable and grateful for this land. We take so much for granted, it's amazing.
We're in San Fran now staying with our good friends Doug and Mariah Brewster for a couple of days (they're out here for the summer for Doug's IB internship). They said we smelled like "foreigners" when they picked us up. And all of our clothes are brown and stink like India:) It's weird to be back, I feel like we should be driving on the left side of the road, and that every where we go, people are staring...but they're not anymore! It was nice to be able to actually do my hair...and Ben needs to shave his handle-bars. We've loved just hanging out doing nothing all day. Watching movies, sleeping, playing Settlers of Cataan, and eating them out of cereal...
We fly home Thursday night and we're so excited to see our families. It's been so long! Our first day home is the 4th of July! What a great day to celebrate not only being home, but our great and free land! We are so blessed to have been able to have this experience of travelling Southeast Asia. It was such an eye-opener, we had so many great memories, saw such amazing things, met incredible people, learned so many new cultures, and just had the time of our lives.
P.S. My phone got stolen on the way home in Bangkok, so I need numbers!
This is us at the Beijing airport:

Here we are our first night scarfing down a FOOT long each from Subway:
We fly home Thursday night and we're so excited to see our families. It's been so long! Our first day home is the 4th of July! What a great day to celebrate not only being home, but our great and free land! We are so blessed to have been able to have this experience of travelling Southeast Asia. It was such an eye-opener, we had so many great memories, saw such amazing things, met incredible people, learned so many new cultures, and just had the time of our lives.
P.S. My phone got stolen on the way home in Bangkok, so I need numbers!
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