So Sarah, my best friend from college and her husband Jeff came into town on Friday evening and we all met at Ben's work in San Francisco. We took the trolley over to Fisherman's Wharf, walked around for a while. Looking in shops and watching some street artists.

Then walked to Ghirardelli for some amazing chocolate sundays!!
After church we did lunch, went to the park to play frisbee and soccer and play on the playground, we watched Ironman, took naps, played lots of ROOK...and just relaxed! Then the best part, Sarah and my TRADITION: We played Dr. Mario while BLASTING N'Sync Christmas! Every year that I've known her, we've done that. (And just like tradition--I ALWAYS WIN!). We would force ourselves to not break it out until November...but we just had to make an exception this year:) They left Monday morning to go finish off some sight-seeing in San Francisco. Thanks for coming guys--we seriously had so much fun and we love you!
Ben had work off too so we were able to hang out all day together. It was so nice. One of his friends from the mission Tim Hendon and his wife Stefanie were also in town! So we went in to San Francisco last night and had dinner at the Rainforest Cafe, which was great and then walked around a bit. They were SO nice and took us all the way home so we didn't have to ride the BART and we could hang out and talk with them longer. They came to our place and chilled for a bit and then took off. It was SO good to see them too! Man, it's great to have such great friends and be able to get together now and then.
Such fun times! I so miss SF! Hopefully we'll be back soon so that we can all play again!
Um, btw, if we do move back you are taking me shopping bc I am totally coveting all your really really cute clothes!
It is so true!! You really do have super cute clothes!! Where have you been getting them? I love the pictures!! It makes me wish I had a hubby so I could come down and visit too!!! I miss you guys!
Thanks a million again for having us! Way way way fun to spend time with you two crazies.
PS I don't know what was going on with the controller. Geez.
mmmm ghiradelli!! i think when we went there 3 years ago, brandon just walking out and in so he could get a free sample, but that ice cream looks fabulous!!! your pics are so cute, i love the oakland temple i haven't been there since i have had been endowed but the baptismal font is gorgeous!! i saw your pic and thought, she looks so cute in her black skirt and you inspired my outfit for enrichment that night! :-)
We had so fun!! Glad we got to spend some time with you. Hope to see you again soon.
Sounds like a fun weekend. I can just imagine, Dr. Mario on the TV, sunshine and green parks outside, and N'Snyc Christmas music playing. We might have to visit you guys one of these days if we ever get spare time.
ok camille, all i kept thinking about while looking at all of your pictures was how gorgeous and TAN you are!!! are you naturally that tan?! i'm jealous, i live in sunny arizona but i'm pasty white b/c i never go outside. anyway, looks like you had alot of fun! and you are seriously beautiful!!
Camille, this is McKenzie, Mikey's wife and your blog is adorable. Just wanted to say hi.
p.s. I linked your blog so I can come look at it! Hope you don't mind.
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