It's been here and there...talked and rumored about....but today we officially accepted a YEAR-LONG transfer to Monitor's office in....
And we leave JANUARY 12th! Double AH!
Ben's dream is coming true and even though we're a little overwhelmed by how SOON it is....we know it's the right time for us and we couldn't be more excited. We've LOVED living here in Dublin, we love our ward, our callings, our neighbors and friends...we'll miss everyone so much. Thank you all for being SO kind and welcoming. We know it feels like we just got here...5 months flew! But when an opportunity like this comes around...you gotta take it!! It's once in a lifetime and better now than when we have a family to worry about:)

South Africa is HUGE! I didn't know how big it was until I was doing some research the other day. It's twice the size of Texas! There are about 48 million people living there and eleven official languages. English is the most commonly spoken language in official settings, however it is only the fifth most spoken home language. Demographics:

We'll be living in the heart of Johannesburg, population 8 million. Crime rate: HIGH--one of the highest in the world. We'll be living in corporate housing (with 24/7 high security) which will be nice. We'll also have a car so we can get around easily. How nice is that? Ben will be put on a 5-year long case immediately (even though
we'll just be on it for one). As for me?? I don't know what I'll be doing...we'll see when we get there!
What we're looking forward to:The Johannesburg LDS Temple:

Cape Town:

Safari's and site seeing in Kenya & Tanzania:


Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe:

And of course--visiting Ben's mission in Mozambique, just north east from S. Africa:

Wow guys. Wow. It's still pretty surreal. We have excited and anxious feelings inside...but the whole living in another country...living in AFRICA...for a year....hasn't really hit us yet. But a year? That's nothing right?! It'll be great. We're so blessed to have this opportunity.
Oh wow! I can't believe it. We are so excited for you guys. But I have to say that we are sad that you won't be in CA when we move out there. Are you cutting your trip to Utah short so that you can get ready to leave? I hope not cause we want to see you guys. Congrats on this opportunity!
Awesome!! Congrats to you both! You're much braver than I... I would miss the good ol' U.S of A too much! But what an adventure it will be. I can't wait to see your photos while you're their... THAT i am jealous of.
Holy cow! That is so great! Oh Landon will be so jealous! South Africa will be so beautiful and hopefully warm. Good luck with everything and I am sure we will get more details when you guys come to visit.
Congratulations! I think that is so cool. What a neat experience. My grandparents served a mission in South Africa like over twenty years ago. I think they loved it but I am sure it has changed a lot since then. So what do you do with all of your stuff? How much can you take with you? Good luck, Camille! I think that is so awesome.
Oh my! That is so crazy, but WAY cool! It is definitely once in a lifetime and definitely easier before you have kids to worry about. Good luck...I can't wait to see posts of all of your adventures out there. BE SAFE!
HOLY COW! That is awesome. You are going to LOVE it! We can't wait to hear about the adventures you'll have! Good luck packing. I can't believe you're going so soon!
ah that is so exciting and overwelming at the same time i'm sure. i'm excited to read about all of your fun experiences living in another country...ride an elephant for me :0)
That is so exciting! You are a brave girl to move to a different country for a year. It sounds like it will be an awesome experience.
Wow Africa, that's crazy cool! Can't wait to see some of your pics.
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