Thursday, January 22, 2009


2 layovers, 6 airplane meals, 5 movies, 1 crying baby, and 30 hours later.....I made it! So happy to be here. Some dude named Wesley was supposed to pick me up but Ben surprised me instead with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Will admit...I broke down:)

Our place is so POSH I love it. 2 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, large family room, dish satellite plasma tv, awesome gym, nice pool, complimentary massages, maid service...I can live here. No a/c though...oh well. It hasn't been bad yet and it's summer so we should be good! Someone said it's a lot like San Francisco, just more humid. Which has been true so far.

I'm learning Zulu from our maid. "Sawubona" is "hello" and "Ngiyabonga" (pronounced "Yibona") is "Thank you." A couple words a day and I should be fluent in a few months.

Jet lagged. 9 hours ahead of you guys. Tired. Hungry. I've got some weird milk and canned beans in the fridge.

Interesting food. Crazy tv channels. Unreliable internet. I can get to gmail just fine. Can't click on anything in Facebook. Can't get into Youtube or Wikipedia. Can't upload anything. So just be patient aight!?

Stores close at 6. Don't really know what I'M going to do here yet...photograpy, teach, waitress, join a gang, become a bum, model...

Pictures coming soon (hopefully....)

Feel like I've been hit by a train.

It really is exciting folks.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on surviving the travel! I'm so jealous!

Bodacious Barlows said...

I'm so glad you got there safely. What a trip! I hope you're having fun and absorbing all of this excitement. It is so cool! Congratulations on making the move. Update your blog a lot so we know how you are doing. I freaking love you guys!!!

Unknown said...

maids...massages...posh house... sounds like you'll be living the good life! We're glad you're safe and can't wait to see Africa through your eyes.

Jill Revell said...

Too crazy/fun! I can't wait to see pics from all of your fun adventures :)

Eric and Alexis Beus said...

Glad you got there safe! Good luck!! You guys will have so much fun! Adorable background on your blog by the way! So appropriate! If you read any novels from authors there, let me know! :D

Tawnya said...

maid service? nice!!

Carly said...

i'm glad you made it! i'm looking forward to reading about your exciting adventures there. it sounds awesome.

Rachel said...

Yay! Let the fun begin. I don't know if you want opinions, but I think you should definitely become a bum. It'd be awesome.

Glad to hear gmail is working, keep in touch!

Megan Passey said...

I love your African blog look! I can't wait to see Africa through your blog!

Ryan and Loni said...

Hey,Ben and Camille I found your blog through the grapevine. Its so cute! You guys are amazing to be in Africa. Though I would love to I don't know that I could really do it. Awesome! I have ran into Lisa a few times and she always says she is ready for a baby!! lol take care.


Kat said...

Model...for sure.