{PART 1 of 3}

I love this man! But who doesn't?!?

I wanted to personally thank the two most influential people in his life. The two that made him the man he is today (there are LOTS of you). Ben is who he is because of parents like you! From the luckiest wife in the world--THANK YOU!
Today is his 25th birthday, half-way to 50! :) It's so fun to be celebrating it in his home country--Africa:) Last night while he was at the mall with a guy he works with (trying to figure out cell phone stuff). I snuck over to his work and decorated his office. I put balloons and streamers and a big poster up and sprinkled really messy stuff that he's going to hate all over. I put the big poster up and realized that it said, "Happy 1st Birthday!" Haha...we were laughing (the people helping me) and so we wrote "In Johannesburg" underneath it. He wrote me this morning and loved it. I also made him a cake to take to work and he's getting off at 3:30 today so we can celebrate!
My best friend. Eternal companion. Love of my life. Man of my dreams. Better half. Cheese on my macaroni. Ray of sunshine. Peacemaker. Spiritual giant. Hard-worker. Smile maker. Laugh generator. Handsome hunk.
(And he's an incredibly good dancer. At our first dance class last night, he rocked my socks off. We were rockin' 5 steps while the instructor was still teaching everyone the basic one...she said we could go to the advanced class on Wed nights!)
I love you Ben!
He's such an amazing person. The world was instantly better the second he arrived 25 years ago and has been constantly better every day since. And you all know.
Let's wish him a Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Ben! From Mark and Kristine Matheson
Your Pictures of Africa are amazing, we're so glad you have this opportunity! Enjoy the next 25 years, because 50 is nifty! and now we're just like you, the kids are gone it's just the two of us starting out on a new adventure again. Maybe someday soon in Africa?? Who knows.
Cute Post!, Tell Ben I say Happy Birthday! And your umbrella story made me laugh, it reminded me of Mine and Jon's honeymoon in Florida (in June)...yeah we didn't really plan that one so well.... ; )
Happy (late) Birthday Ben! 25 wow that is crazy... I remember when you moved to the Valley I think in Jr. High?!.. its crazy where life takes you. AFRICA!! that is amazing. Camille your pictures of the animals are AWESOME! take care
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