This one was especially fun because it was the youngest you're allowed to even touch the lions. TWO WEEKS OLD!! And we were able to bottle feed them. They are so adorable I just want to take them home.

We stayed the night at our favorite Guest House up there, Authentique and then got up early in the morning (5am) to do a game drive in Pilanesberg. We love this reserve. It's on the small side, so you're able to see more animals in shorter time. There are LOTS of Rhino there, it's awesome.

Look at this wart hog. It's the daddy. But look at the sides of his cheeks under his eyes! WEIRD! Does Pumba have these?

There are only 2 cheetahs in the park, making it impossible to see them. But we saw one!! It was so awesome.

It's also almost impossible to see the lions here but we saw this male from far off! He was just standing there and walking around forever! Really cool. For 10th safari, we really don't get tired of seeing these animals.

That afternoon we went back to the Lion Park. Couldn't resist. Since it was so close and we get special privileges because the worker dude loved us:)

We were going to do swimming at Sun City Saturday afternoon, but when we got there it was all closed. So we decided to head home a day early.
On the way home JON BUNGEE JUMPED!!!! He rocks. We had our turn in Zimbabwe, so we didn't need to do it again. He did both the bungee jump and the swing. What a stud.

This 'camera-straped-to-the-hand' idea worked really well. Videos below. Hilarious.

The swing:

Then when we came back to Joburg, we decided we were just having so much fun running from one thing to another so we went and got tickets to Star Trek for the showing later in the evening, then went to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants The Meat Co.
We really liked this movie! It's great! We all agreed though, that we still liked Wolverine better. I'm sure it would've been a lot more fun had we had some background of the series, but we didn't. Awesome movie though!

Jon and Ben went to the Lion Rhino Park (the one we all went to a week ago) again this morning. Those boys just can't get enough holes, scratches, and wrestle time. I put those pictures in the Lion Park album in Picasa (starting at picture 166, the last 30 pictures of the album): Click HERE.
We'll be sad to see Jon leave this Wednesday!
I dug up this old picture of him from my dad. This is when he was a pilot. What a stud.
We wanted to say Happy Birthday to you Grandpa! You're great! I love and miss you and hope Grandma spoils you, maybe with a new tattoo??? :)

At our wedding:

I dug up this old picture of him from my dad. This is when he was a pilot. What a stud.
We wanted to say Happy Birthday to you Grandpa! You're great! I love and miss you and hope Grandma spoils you, maybe with a new tattoo??? :)

At our wedding:

CUTE hair cut and color! I love it! And fun weekend, as usual!!
Hi Camille... you don't know me, but I LOVE reading your blog. I stumbled across it because my husband's name is Ben, too.. so when I type our blog name in, I accidentally spell out my entire name instead of cam... hope you don't mind me viewing your African adventure. I keep telling Ben to come take a look at all your crazy pictures.. he's a pilot, so we hope to travel the world someday. For now, we're a little more grounded in N. Utah with our two kids.:) .. Best wishes.. Camille (ps.. you can check out my not as cool blog if you want,
Does Ben ever work? It looks like you are doing a lot of playing. I am jealous. Brian set up skype so you can talk to Benjamin and Austin because we know it is not us you want to see :)
Your arms look so buff! Way cools pics.
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