So now that I'm all alone and have a ton of time on my's catch-up time. Here's what the girls and I did while they were here:
Every Sunday there is this AWESOME African Market just 10 minutes up the road. We took the girls there and they were in heaven. It is so fun! The necklaces, the wood work, the rock figurines, the's all so great.

Happy Birthday to Nelson Mandela! What a great man. He was the anti-apartheid activist who spent 27 years in jail for it. He was also South Africa's first black president in 1994. He turned 91 and there was a big party at his house. We were 20 feet from him! We were so close to talking to security about letting us meet him... His house:

Monday, we went to Princess Alice adoption home and I introduced them to my favorite little baby, Precious. They loved feeding and playing with the babies:

We also went to the new Harry Potter movie and loved it. We all weren't a fan of all the things they added that weren't in the need to do that. But it was fun!

Tuesday, I took the girls to the Rhino Lion Park that we love. We got to pet Eddie, the Cheetah:

Haylie isn't going to be happy that I chose this picture. But I LOVE it:

And Sarah is going to be even more mad...we all loved this picture because she looks like she's strangling the lion! It's okay Sarah, we know you're really not:

Wednesday and Thursday we spent the night in Rustenburg and went to Pilanesberg Game Reserve both days. We had the BEST luck. Ben and I haven't ever seen that many animals there:

We followed this train of elephants. There were 17 of them!

We saw 3 different prides of lions. UNREAL! Ben and I have only seen one here and we've been here like 10 times!


We were following him slowly on the road when all of a sudden he turned around and charged full on. I was reversing as fast as I could but he wasn't slowing down. We were all screaming and I just kept thinking, "Oh my gosh. What if he doesn't stop!"

Sarah and Bekah have the HILARIOUS video and I'll get it from them soon. It was the highlight of our trip.
This was also a highlight. There were 4 of us and 4 of them. We said this would be us someday and snapped a picture:

We went to another Lion Park Wed night to play with 2 and 3 month old lions.

The good luck ended as soon as we headed home. We popped the tire. Majorly. Didn't even see that pot hole coming. These nice guys stopped to help us and weren't shy about hitting on Sarah, Bekah, and Haylie. Don't worry, they all exchanged numbers.

Friday we went to the Apartheid Museum, which was awesome. And then we took the girl that got baptized, Princess, out shopping to get her a new church outfit since she didn't have one. It was way fun.
Saturday morning, we all went to the Johannesburg Temple. Haylie and Bekah did baptisms while Ben, Sarah and I did a session. I love the temple!

After the temple, brave Bekah went bungee jumping!! YAY! (Video coming from them soon)

You go girl!

And that's it! It was a total blast and they didn't want to leave...nor did I want them to leave. But they had the Buckingham Palace and Wicked waiting for them in London on their way home. Thank you girls SO much for coming. I loved every second. You are the best friends ever!
Sounds like a blast!! Camille, I have got to know where you get all of your blog backgrounds and headers and fonts! I always love them!!! Do you make them up yourself?
so much fun!!! i seriously love your posts. i can't believe you got charged by an elephant, ah i would have peed my pants. i'm glad you got to have some friends visit!
I can't imagine how fun it would be to travel halfway around the world with my three best friends! What a blast. And the elephant charging you... um scary! Love seeing the updates and good luck this month!
That looks like so much fun!! Wish we could be there! I just have to tell you, I love your blog! You are so artsy and it is so fun to see all of the cute things you do with it!
Can I come visit you, pretty please?
P.S. You are crazy for following that Elephant!! Did he just stop or did you out run him?
That is so fun that your friends got to come and stay! I loved the story about the elephant- that is so crazy! There is no where else but Africa that you could have that crazy experience.
Camille you are an amazing photographer!!!!!!!! I love you so much! Thank you for an amazing, unforgetable experience. You are the best friend ever and I already miss you so much! I LOVE YOUR GUTS!!!!
so good to see you are doing well in Africa!! Tell Ben hi for me (I know we've met once or twice but I don't know if you remember...)
looks like so much fun! i dont have to tell you enough, but your pictures are absolutely awesome... i LOVE looking at your blog because you document everything so well (with AWESOME pics!)
(and happy two year girl!)
Oh, that looks like so much fun! Love the photos!
i'm so glad you had some girlfriends come to visit you! looks like you had a blast! and i'm with chelsie, i would've died if an elephant was charging me!! that's scary crazy!!
I love reading your blog Camille! You girls are all so cute and such good friends! Hope you're doing well you're adorable :)
What amazing pictures!! You seriously live in a dream land!
That sounds like SO much fun! I want to come visit! I love that you got charged by an elephant AGAIN! I can't wait for the video! How scary though! And, like always, I LOVE all of your pictures of the lions and tigers.
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