So I'd give a quick update on Ben, since we all know what I'm up to, and there's nothing new I can report about besides stuff like: I went to my 3rd movie by myself this week. For $2 each, who wouldn't? I try to space them out so I have something to look forward to. I also find myself still getting embarrassed, like pulling my phone out pretending I'm talking to someone while I buy the tickets so it looks like I'm meeting someone. Just being honest here. I saw "My Sister's Keeper"...I enjoyed it. I also started reading "Breaking Dawn"....and it just got stupid. Ok, not
just, it's been pretty lame the whole time. I was fine with it until all the stupid wolves changed their minds and decided to attack and kill Bella and the "creature" growing inside her. What?! Seriously? Haven't picked it up since. She really should have stopped at #1. Sorry all you Edward-lovers. I'm just not one of them :) I've also been put in charge of this dance thing, as some of you know. A big stake Relief Society Activity and we're "Dancing through the Ages" so we picked Grease Lightning for the 70s, Thriller for the 80s, Backstreet Boys for the 90s, and Beyonce's Single Ladies for Today. I've had to make up all the dances and teach them to the Relief Society women. It is quite the spectacle. But it's keeping me busy nonetheless. One last thing I've been up to, making over blogs. It's quite fun and I should start a business or something. Go
here, and
here to see what I've done.
Sheesh, why do these always end up about me? :) Back to Ben. His last trip was to Kenya. He works a ton, 6am to midnight, so he doesn't have a whole lot of time to see the sites, but here are a few pictures from his trip:
The classic African driving & traffic. Oh how I loved driving through this with the girls here, they were white with fright:

Ben working with some of the farmers:

This was the airport. NO joke.

And these were the taxis. Again, no joke:

Now he's in Uganda and has actually had a little bit of a weekend! He was able to hang out by the pool, soak up some sun, and go to the Equator!! He said it was so cool. There was this line and they had a big funnel with a bottle and would pour water into it, on the North side it would flow clockwise, and on the South side it would flow counter-clockwise, and ON the line, it wouldn't flow in a circle at all! Weird/cool huh? Proof there is a God. Tomorrow he gets to go find wild Chimpanzee's in the jungle on an island. Hope he gets lots of scratches and pictures. Can't wait for the boy to be home. Only 6 more days. Ok, I've got to prepare my lesson for tomorrow.
Love and world peace!
The book only gets more weird moments. Just to let you know :) I will have to check out your blog makeover stuff because I sure as heck want it for mine. I like that your blog looks like something you made yourself and not downloaded :) Of course I guess I still wont have made it myself but maybe it will LOOK like I did!
Okay... yeah I REALLY need your help with the blog!!!! I would appriciate you forever if you are willing to help :)
Hey Camille. Hope this isn't weird. My name is Amanda. I came across your blog awhile ago because we have alot of mutual friends and I pretty much fell in love with your African Life! ha ha. I also went to school with Ben and am so glad he ended up with sweetie like you. Anyways...saw that you like to make over blogs...and well my blog is a huge MESS. If you would like to add another customer let me know. Either way love the blog.
also if you look at my blog....PLEASE DONT JUDGE. I have no idea what to do so one night I sat for ever and kept changing the numbers and stuff in the layout box. then i got tired and gave up. so embarrassed!!!!
Camille! start a business girl. let me know whatever you need for me to help. do you want me to put another link to you on my blog like Kelsi did? closer to the top? I put your button down below my contacts and you don't see it right away. let me know. your blogs are beautiful. and good for ben! that's so cool what he's doing.
i added another link on my blog to yours! your blogs are beautiful! start a business girl!
you totally should start a business! I think your blog is adorable! can you help me with 2 things??
How did you stretch your blog? make it wider? I dont know the techincal terms, but- do you get what I am saying?
also, what do you do in photoshop to give all yoru pics that vintage frame look? i love it.
Hi Camille!
You HAVE to help me make my blog cute! I'll pay you for it, and it'll be totally worth it. You are so good! Seriously though I would love it. Thanks!
camille you're so flippin talented! really is there anything you can't do? i am so glad that ben is coming home soon!! yeah for you! the water on the equator sounds crazy!! so cool
you have another fan and also someone else who would like a new blog page. let me know if you want to. also i glad ben is coming home soon. love ya!
SO! I finished mine finally... and then I came back here to tell you thank you and realized mine is quite similar to yours! haha, seriously didn't try to rip you off, I must have just remembered bits of it when I saw it! but thanks so much for your help! you are a gem!
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