The City Center had some neat buildings and architecture that you really don't see here in SA.

This is the "Palace of Justice" where Nelson Mandela was sentenced to life in prison for being an anti-apartheid activist:

The Union Buildings:

After the city, we went to the National Botanical Gardens with a lunch, blankets, and pillows and took a seriously relaxing nap in the shade and perfect weather of SA. It's summer now and it's sooo nice. After that we went to see my triathlon route and then headed to a mall for dinner and a movie. Super fun.
Saturday, we had one of our YSAs get married (we are the YSA couple). Didier Kambolo, he is such a neat guy and he found a beautiful bride from the Congo, Annick. It was the first Johannesburg Temple wedding we've been able to participate in and it was really special. I told them I'd take their pictures and they were so excited.
Before the wedding we had fun hanging out with our favorite little 4-yr old, Erin. She, her little sister, and awesome parents Olivier & Marcia, are our good friends from the ward.

All our favorite people:

The reception was from 3-8pm at our church and man was it a PARTAY! They sure aren't like this back home! I love how much they love to make noise and dance!

Our little friend Taquan:

Erin & Leonni:

That's our bishop with the bow-tie:

Of course Ben got his dance on! He went into the middle and really got down, it was hilarious and everyone LOVED it.

It was such a great wedding! (Pictures on my photo blog soon). We love our ward SO much. They are such great people and we're so happy for these two. There is another YSA wedding on the 10th of October! We can't wait!
To top the weekend off, we set up our tent on the porch last night and took our couch cushions and pillows in and watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S! What a great way to end a great weekend. This weekend is Spring Break here in SA...should be wild! And we get another Friday off! Hooray!