Sunday, January 24, 2010

First Comes Love . . .

Then comes marriage...

Then comes baby in a baby carriage!

(ultrasound @ 12 weeks)

That's right! We're pregnant and we're so excited!
I'm about 15 weeks and due
July 21st, 2010!


Lauren Tatton said...

Ya!! Congrats! I had a feeling! That is so so exciting!

Candalyn said...

Congratulations! What good news! You two are going to be wonderful parents.

Sara said...

YEAH!!! SOOOOOO excited for you guys! Congrats!
ps- way cute post!

C&C said...

Seriously SO happy for you both! You will have the cutest baby. And please humor me with belly pictures (not necessarily know what I mean) because I love them!

Kelsi said...

So exciting!!! Congrats! You two are going to be the best parents! You are almost half way there :)

Mrs. Jaybird said...

Never a dull moment with the Garrisons :) . . . congratulations!

Unknown said...

Awesome!!! Being pregnant is the best! I actually kinda miss my belly now that it's gone. We are soooo happy for you guys. I hope you deliver on your due date bc that's MY birthday, & it's the perfect day for a birthday. Congrats!

Karen said...


Molly said...

Congratulations! Babies are always good news and we're so happy for you guys!

:: ashley :: said...

how FUN!! our kiddos will be a month apart ;) CONGRATS! and your kid might beat ours for most photographed child ever haha

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for you 2! He or She will be adorable. Can't wait to find out what your having. Hope you haven't been to sick. Congrats! We love you guys!

PRACTICE said...

Hey congratulations! I had a feeling this might be coming soon! It really is such a wonderful thing to be a mom and I am sure you will be a great mom! I sure hope you are feeling good. Can't wait for more updates!

Nades said...

YAY!! you have finally been able to tell everyone! Official Congrats to you and Ben!! Africa misses u! X

Carly said...

Congrats you two! That's so great! I hope that you are feeling well, Camille and that you have a great pregnancy. You guys will be great parents!

Brock and Arrienne said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting! You'll be wonderful parents.

Kourtney and Nathan said...

Welcome home!! Well I'm sure you kinda felt like you were leaving home in Africa. You guys were so lucky to have that time together and such a great experience. And congratulations!! That is awesome, we're excited for you two and the start of your family!!

Jordan said...

Congrats again! I love the Goodbye to Africa pictures! Ok I like any pictures you take but that's because your a professional and amazing at it! Some of us just have to pretend we are good at it! Really it was an awesome post! I enjoyed it!

The Nate and Sara Project said...

HOoRAY!!! Congratulations! It's just one adventure after the next for you guys. How wonderful, and I'm so glad you will be in the states to have the baby! ;)

Ryan and Loni said...

I am sooo excited for you guys! That is so much fun... nothing like a welcome home with a little one on the way!! Parenthood is wonderful... you will love it. Take care! I forgot we went private a while ago if you want another invite my email is...

Jamie said...

Congrats! That is such exciting news!!! Hope all is well!

Unknown said...

WAHHOOO!!! I am so excited! Congrats you are gonna have the cutest kid EVER! I hope you are feeling ok.

Jill Revell said...

Hooray!!! Congrats you guys!

Anonymous said...

YAY!!! We're so excited for you guys, congratulations! We HAVE to see you when we're in CA in June. Love you guys!

Brenton and Andrea said...

Yahoo!!! Congrats!!!! I am so excitd for you guys!!!!! I bet that little baby will have lots of fun little pictures!:)

Kat said...

Yay! Congrats Camille! Sooo exciting!

Lindsay said...

How exciting! We are due the same week! I should find out what I'm having soon and I am so excited! Have you been sick at all? Congrats,I'm happy for you two!

LisaLong said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so excited for you guys!!!

hilary said...

yay!! congratulations!! I've been wondering when this news would appear on your blog. :) so fun! i hope you've been feeling well! now it's your turn to start a new album on facebook. :) i wanna see your growing bump, (if you even have one at this point). i bet you will look so adorable.

Stefanie said...

YEA!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!! I thought we would have been closer to having a baby together but you are at least a year ahead of us. We are so excited to see you guys! Love ya!

josh and nat said...

Congrats! I am so happy for you guys! Glad you made it home!

Rachel said...

Oh. my. gosh. Camille!I have to say I was VERY surprised when I found out Sarah was pregnant, but I am just so so so surprised that you are too! I am way excited for you. Weird. We used to be little roomies, and now you're going to be a little mommy! I want you back in the bay. Now. Congratulations times one million!
(Way to go Ben.. :)) You and Sarah's babes will be so close. That will be so fun! I want to talk to you call me someday.

The Hills... said...

Hooray! Congrats! Hope you're feeling well!

Rachel said...

No way!! Congrats to you and ben, so exciting! can't wait to see what you are having!

Megan said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! I am so excited for the two of you!! I can't think of any better parents than you two will be!

Austin & Shawnee said...

That is so exciting! Congrats guys!

Bodacious Barlows said...

You are the cutest thing. I love that you're a mom. I can't believe it and I am so excited for you and Ben to be parents. It is the most fun thing in the world. Post lots of belly pictures. I can't wait to see you all pregnant and cute. Congratulations!!

Rasmussen Family said...

congrats! my gparents will be ecstatic:) i bet you're glad to be back in the US of A...which reminds me, where r u guys living?

Carly said...

yay- congrats!! hope you're feeling well!

The Marcheschis said...

Congrats you two! We are so excited for you!

Andrew Cardon said...

Congratulations! That is great news!

paige and jord said...

CONGRATS! how exciting!!!! i hope you are feeling well?!?

Lindsey said...

Congrats! You two are going to make so super cute babies!:)

mckenzie said...

Congratulations! We are so excited for you!!

The Binghams... said...

Holy cow!! That's awesome!! Congrats!!

Mo H. said...

Hey Camille,
You guys will be awesome parents, i am so proud of you. I miss you so much and I just might grab the girls and drive out to good ol' san fran to see ya. I'm excited for little baby benille. I love you!

Winters said...

congratulations! It is so fun having kids..not the actual birth part but the rest is so amazing:) I am so excited that your back in the states! I for sure need you to do family picture when I loose my baby weight and your ready too! Im so excited for you your going to be a great mom! tell Ben congrats too!

Reagan said...

Big congrats! I already said this on FB, but you both will be such great parents! What an exciting time for you guys!