Last weekend, we were able to go up to a cabin in Midway and help Ben's brother Jon propose to his AWESOME girl Jaclyn!! She had no idea and thought we were just going up for a fun day of snowmobiling. Here Jon and I are before we left showing off our baby bumps!

And here we are being goofy, hanging out in the Yurt before snowmobiling:

Ben and Jon had set everything up out in the snow earlier that morning, and when it was time, Ben and I headed out on the snowmobiles before Jon and Jac to hide and take pictures. We built a little duck-blind and settled in the snow waiting for them to arrive. Jon had made a treasure map and they followed it to this spot. They dug and dug in the snow until she hit a rock:

When they dug it up, it was a beautiful rock that had "Treasure" inscribed on it. Under the rock was a treasure chest and in the treasure chest--the ring! SUPER CUTE!

We're so excited to have her join the family and I couldn't be happier with my new sister-in-law!! She's awesome and we love her!! The date is May 26, 2010 and we can't wait!

They have a new blog,, but it's private so if you want an invite, write me and I'll let Jon know.
Also--we're finding out the gender of the babes next Saturday so be sure and put in your vote on the right side of the blog!
Tell Jon and Jaclyn congrats from us....Jon was such a great friend to me, especially in Jr. High. I would love an invite to their blog and also would love to invite them to ours. My email address is And let me know what theirs is so I can send them an invite.....Good luck on finding out the boy/girl question. You guys will be such cute and awesome parents!
what baby bump??? you aren't showing yet, my dear and you look tiny. and congrats to jon, that is exciting! and what a fun way to propose!
i voted on a girl....!!!! Your baby bump is cute just tiny still, tell jon congrats from alllll of us... Riley luke my mom and me! And i would like a invite if its ok
I vote-girl...can't wait to see what you are having!
ps would love to see jon's blog
Way to go on those cute pics! Even if you did have to park it in the snow for a while to get them.
I need to get Jon or Jaclyn's email so I can send them an invite to my blog....
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