We're having a GIRL!!!

To those who need help with the picture above: the 2 bright white lines are the femurs, her legs, and in between is a bit of a blurry ball, which is the umbilical cord. But down in the crevice is a bunch of blackness, which shows where...there's nothing there!

Isn't she so cute?!?

She's going to be a gymnist!

We went down with all of our family this morning to find out the gender and only had one person in the whole family (my mom) who voted it'd be a girl! Ben and I, along with the family, were convinced it was a boy so we were TOTALLY shocked when there was nothing there!! We're still in shock, but we're SO EXCITED!!!
Yeah! Girls are so much fun! Did you guys go down to Fetal Fotos? That is where we found out we were having a girl! You guys are going to love having that special little spirit in your home! Congratulations!
Thats awesome! Great sono pics. I was just the opposite, I was CONVINCED I was having a girl but I was obviously WRONG!! So excited for you guys. Little girls clothes are so much more fun to shop for ;D
Congratulations! Yea we are so excited for both of you. What a great start to your new journey, and next phase of life. You will be great parents! Girls are so fun! Amy
im so excited for you guys!!! CONGRATS! she is going to be soooo pretty! And fun!!!
Hooray! Girls are the most fun. AND she can play with Eden!
Congratulations! I'm sure you love her already! Enjoy every minute of the pregnancy; it seems like it goes by so slow, but when it's over you will miss feeling her in your tummy!
Yay, I am so happy for you! You will have so much fun with your little girl!
Yay! Girls really are so fun! She will be so cute! Now you better start shopping for all of those cute girl clothes and accessories!
I WAS RIGHT! :) hehe. She is so cute already! Girls sure are fun to dress up! CONGRATS.
I guessed a girl!! So fun! I am so exicted for you. The last 2 times I have been pregnant I guessed (and thought for sure I was having) the opposite of what it was! Congrats to both of you!
A Girl!!!! So exciting. Congrats!
congrats!! that is so exciting!!! do you guys have any names picked out?! girls clothes are definitely more fun than boy clothes, i'm pretty sure it's a blessing to our bank account that we have 2 boys. ;-)
WOW. I'm shocked too, but SOOO happy for you!!! To me that proves that you will have what you are meant to have. I wonder if I will also get a shock. We'll see!
congrats, so exciting! maybe our little dames can be friends some day. :)
Yeah!!! Girls are SOOOO much fun. Don't get me wrong, we are super excited to for our little boy to come but you will love the clothes, bows, bracelets, etc that come along with a little girl!
Congrats you guys! I wish I could relate to being convinced about the sex of my babies, but I never really had a feeling with either. Must have been a fun shock! Have fun shopping in the girls department, I am jealous of that! Miss you guys, have a safe trip to CA!
YAY!! and she will be as beautiful as her mommy! Girls are wonderful, they are sugar and spice and all things nice ;)
Yay! I knew it i knew it i knew it!!!! Congratulations! Love you!
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