I love my little bump, because it makes it more real... but I can't wait for it to get bigger! Come on now--POP! I'm feeling her a little bit everyday! Just those awesome flutters and bubbles that I know
aren't gas:) We are so stinking happy.

(Click the picture to enlarge)
oh my goodness you're so beautiful. and you're having a girl! our girls will be best friends. hope you arrived ok in cali. we almost called but david thought that the number we had for ben was his dad's number? anyway, we thought of you right as we were going to bed. love you guys.
I am so stinking happy for you guys! I remember telling Nate "Either I just felt the baby move, or I had a gas bubble pop." He then informed me gas bubbles don't pop inside of you. :) It's just the greatest!!
I absolutely love this idea that you and ben are doing these weekly diaries!They are such beautiful letters for her to read when she is older, and to know that she was loved right from the start! Hope you arnt feeling to sick... X
CONGRATULATIONS! Thats so exciting and Girls are SO fun!
camille you're gorgeous!! you look so cute and tiny!!! i'm sorry you've been sick, i hope you're feelin better
Yay!!! Congratulations!!!!!!! You have just the cutest little baby bump belly!
Don't worry, you will have a big belly before you know it! I think I started really showing around 6 months or so. I think I felt her kick around 20 weeks too, so that's great that you're able to feel her so early! AH! So much fun! You look great!
Feeling the baby move is the best! Congrats on having a girl!
you look cute in that shirt!! i like it!!
Oh my gosh, I am so behind! Congrats! You are soo cute! They are so much fun!
Hey congrats on the baby! (This is Amanda Jolley... I found you guys off Alyssa and Ryan's blog:) Wow... yall have been BUSY- work, travel, BABY! That's exciting, we are so happy for you, you'll be terrific parents (and I love the pregnancy tracker idea, I wish we had done that) Anyway, we have a blog too... if you ever want to check it out, just send me your email and I'll send an invite!
Such a cute Mommy! Thanks for the blog assistance- you are the one who inspired me to do it all in the first place! THANKYOU!!! love :)
I'm so happy for you! I've loved every minute of being a mom. She is so lucky to have you guys as her parents. Ours was a girl too, or so they said at the first ultra sound.
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