Finally! We could not WAIT to get here to Utah so all our family could meet Claire. And of course, everyone just adores her. Ben and I barely get to hold her anymore with all her aunts, uncle, and grandmas around. It's been so fun.
Brooke is the best Aunt ever!
Brooke is the best Aunt ever!

So is Raquely...

Meeting Grammy Lisa for the first time:
By the way, Claire is totally going bald on top, as you can see. It's hilarious.
Lisa made Claire this amazing "x's and o's" quilt:

And Great-Grandma Nan made her these adorable slippers:

Uncle James loves her and has gotten her to smile more than anyone has:

At my aunt Cathy's 50th birthday party:

Great-Grandma Gooney! (Yes, we really do call her Grandma Gooney, always have. She's the funniest Grandma you'll ever meet).

My cousin Kim with her 9-month old beauty Iylie:

She met Great-Grandma & Grandpa Johansen yesterday:

4 generations:

Exhausted. Always love her hand placements.

Claire also met her Grandpa Tommy & Janet before they head off to Texas! They're moving there permanently and we're so sad!

We will sure miss them!

We will sure miss them!
Lots more fun posts to come. We took Claire on her first camping trip last weekend. It was FREEZING but she was a champ and slept through the night. Hope you all don't get tired of pictures!!
you're going to blink and suddenly she'll be 9 months too!! she sure is gorgeous
You look AMAZING!!! :) And Claire is just adorable! I love the pics!
These pictures are precious!!
And can I just say you look so great!
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