After 8 weeks of family, fun, friends, Utah, no work, and no responsibilities, we are back in good old California. Back to real life. We were so blessed to have been able to spend that much time in Utah with all of our family. It was so much fun to have everyone get to know Claire and see all her firsts with us. We definitely want to make it back there soon.
On our way home, we spent a few days in Lake Tahoe with some of Ben's mom's side of the family. {We missed you Aunt Peg!} Jon and Jaclyn flew in from D.C. for the weekend! It was so great to see them.
Some more pics from week:

Getting ready for family pictures:

Our 2010 {almost complete} family picture:
(taken in the hotel because of the dang RAIN!)
(taken in the hotel because of the dang RAIN!)

4 generations:

Ready to be done smiling:

At Taco Bell:

She also loved to snooze with Pa. They're great buddies.

The only stinky thing is that it rained EVERY single day we were there except for one afternoon. As soon as the blue sky came out we were out the door to see some sites. It is SOOO beautiful there!

Emerald Bay:

We went on some back roads to find the salmon and found this mamma bear and baby!

They were right next to our car:

It's Salmon Run season! And look at all those fish! Gosh there were hundreds!

Things we did without pictures: ate hundreds of peaches! Ben's grandparents grow them on 13 trees and they are the best peaches you've ever tasted. We each had a giant bowl with every meal. Delish. We played golf everyday (the card game), which I am pretty dang good at. Lisa taught Jac and me how to crochet! I love it! I made 10 different flowers. I just love it and am hooked. Now I'm looking for a fun project!

Thanks everyone for a great vacation! It was so fun to have you all meet and love Claire. We'll be sure to keep you up to date on all her cute/funny/first moments.
And to end with, a hilarious video taken in Tahoe (the end is the best):
Fun trip! That's a lot of fish, I need to show my husband that picture :) Cute family pictures too!
This is Jenna's mom - Get that baby back to Dublin so she can see her!!!! She has changed and grown up so much while you've been gone.
Still adorable.
What an awesome trip. I think it's so great that you got to spend so much time with family. I love your family pictures. You have a beautiful family!
Those crochet flowers are so cute!!! If you find you have too many.. send one our way! ;) I'd also love to learn. Loved all your pics!
Claire is so stinking cute!! Looks like you guys had a fun vacation! So nice to be with family!
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