This year, we were a little less traditional, and spent Thanksgiving in Vegas! Party!! :)
My sister Brooke (13) is a pro-soccer player and had a big tournament down there so we decided to meet my family and spend Thanksgiving and a few days together. Ben and I also had a coupon for a free day in Disneyland which expires Dec 15th so we went a day early and went to D-land! It was so fun. Well, okay, it was very fun but very different too. I rode a total of 2 rides: Indiana Jones and the Jungle Cruise. It was SOOO crowded so the lines were ginormous, and it was just hectic with a stroller and switching off. So we mostly just walked around, watched the parade and met up with some of Ben's friends.

The Christmas decorations were so cool!

The Thanksgiving Parade:

Veerrry blurry but oh well:

Chris (from Ben's mission) and Steve (from BYU and our Asia trip) live and work in LA so they met up with us for a few hours:

She didn't know what was going on, but she loved it all the same:

Thursday afternoon we met up in Vegas and when my family got out of the car, they all ran to Claire. We're just not important anymore. Oh well again.

I must admit it was stinking cute and Claire loved the attention.

Everywhere was PACKED for Thanksgiving dinner so we went to Cheesecake Factory! Very fun!

Anna and her BF Brian:

Watching Brooke's soccer games were FREEZING, but she did great at got 4th overall.

Crocheting in our chill time. I'm pretty much an old lady:)

Family pics in our pj's:

We had fun hanging out in the pools, chillin in the hotel, walking the strip, eating, watching Brooke's games, and just being together! We also went to the movie Tangled, which was the cutest Disney movie we've seen in a long time, and Claire sat through the whole thing and watched it all! It was sad to leave (and a long drive home) but we loved it. Hope you all had a great T-Day!