"Something I crave"
So lately I've been craving a good cupcake. Like a really good one.
{pictures from google images}
{pictures from google images}

I always, always crave cereal. It's my favorite way to start my day.
...and sometimes lunch and dinner.
Favorites: Honey Bunches of Oats, Apple Cinnamon Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Frosted Flakes, Frosted Mini Wheats, Cookie Crisps....on and on.
Favorites: Honey Bunches of Oats, Apple Cinnamon Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Frosted Flakes, Frosted Mini Wheats, Cookie Crisps....on and on.

As you know from THIS picture, I crave pizza. Even when I'm not pregnant. Just pepperoni, that's it. If it has other junk on it, I don't want. Give me a good Little Caesar's pizza and crazy bread and I'm happy as can be.

These are all really healthy things aren't they? I love french fries. And I'm pretty picky about them (see that fry on the right with the crispy end, ya I would leave that end). And I can't leave any on my plate (or anyone's plate around me), no matter how full I am.

Wow. My whole mouth is filled with saliva.
Claire is SO precious! And you're totally right... her eyes are gorgeous!! And just so you know, we are cereal bff! :) love all the ones you listed.
I totally would leave the crispy end too.
Oh how I miss your cravings and quirks and all the funny times together, I can't wait for you to be back in Utah!
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