Yes. Oxnard (As in: the nard dog). It's is a city between L.A. and Santa Barbara. Ben and I decided very last minute to join my family for a few days (I had a wedding Thursday so we had previously decided not to go). It was a long drive, but very worth it.
This is where we stayed:
(See that big yellow house on the left? Yeah, we were in the little red one to the right).

11 people in a small 2 bedroom house. Therefore most of the peeps slept out under the stars:

Sunday we all just walked the beach and tested the FREEZING ocean.
Of course, Claire ended up in it and covered head to toe.

Raquel warming her up with the sand:

Her eyes are looking more green than blue to me these days:

Monday we hung by the beach again:


Tuesday we went to Santa Barbara to shop around and eat a fun meal on the harbor. Then we found these sand dunes that everyone had fun jumping off of.

Family picture:
(click to enlarge)
Lots of laughing, eating, relaxing, and sand in our ears, sheets, and underwear.
We played volleyball, football, softball, and frisbee in the sand (lots of workouts!)
It was a lot like camping with no tv's or internet. It was a lot of fun and my family is actually still there! We were sad to leave early.
Here's a video of our time there (Viewer's discretion advised in the beginning. Thanks James):
Delightful video...really fun! Sure miss you guys. Take care.
Wow, I love the jumping shots! So amazing!
Your pictures are always so beautiful! We stayed at a beach house in Oxnard last summer! My dad grew up in Camarillo and my cousin got married there last year. Nard dog, love it!
Oxnard--right next door to us! Wish we could have seen your cute family for a few minutes. Sounds like it was a whirlwind trip, and lots of fun. What a darling family you have! Awesome pictures, as always!!
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