Saturday we went to Black Island Farms in Syracuse with some of our best friends. It was exactly what I'd been wanting to do with Claire this Halloween and we had SO. MUCH. FUN.
They are such a cute family. We heart them.

{Yay for baby #4 on the way and it's a BOY!!}
Claire was so enthrawled with all of the animals and could have watched them all day. BUT when we took her over to the slides, she was in heaven. She was the biggest dare devil there and probably the youngest. She is so adventurous, it's scary.
{video of Claire on slides at the end of post}
{video of Claire on slides at the end of post}

That afternoon we went to a party with Ben's family (miss you J&J!).

Claire is the cutest little bee I ever did see.

Getting ready for trick or treating:

She was so cute and had so much fun with our friends. She was laughing and running and excited about getting handed candy by strangers!

The elephant and the bee. I SO wish this picture would have been clear, little Charlotte was being so cute with Claire:

Here's a video of our awesome weekend... Enjoy!
{Oh and Santa, I need a video stabilizer for Christmas. Thanks.}
{Oh and Santa, I need a video stabilizer for Christmas. Thanks.}
Hope you all had a fun Halloween! We sure did!