We had a great Christmas weekend! Thanks family for being da bomb.
Christmas Eve we spent with my family. We all went out on Pineview on the fresh ice. Since it hasn't really snowed yet, the ice is see-through and only about 5 inches thick. It was AWESOME. It is so clear you can see down to the bottom near the shore. It also cracks and makes the craziest noises that sounds like Star Wars battles. Pretty freaky at times, but so FUN.

Then we did our annual Gingerbread (aka graham cracker) Houses. This was mine this year:

I am extremely proud of that round roof. It took a lot of work:

Ben's was a "make-out" hut:

My mom's was a birdhouse, James' was an airplane, Raquel's was a pretty little Victorian house, Anna and Brian's was a cool barn, and Brooke's was a tree house! So creative!

Christmas morning we wanted to do our own thing as a family so we set up everything the night before from Santa.

She LOVES her new baby and stroller from Grandma Kendell. She was so cute with it and knew it was hers.

She wouldn't sit still for fear that her gifts would disappear so this is the best we got:

She has changed so much in one year!!

It was fun to go to church and hear the beautiful choir and think about the Savior. Then Ben's family came over to celebrate and I made homemade Cafe Rio. It was amazing! We skyped with Jon and Jaclyn in D.C. and had a grand old time. We are definitely spoiled by all of our family. We love you all so much and are grateful for the time we get to spend together (we miss the Garrison side this year!)
Monday we went out on the ice again with ice skates. We'd be out there every day if we could.

Happy New Year!
Those pictures on the ice are amazing! And your gingerbread houses put mine to shame!
oh the make-out hut ;) and your little christmas lights on your house were so cute! and you guys are quite brave for playin on the ice... im such a baby!
Looks like you guys had fun! Claire is getting more beautiful all the time, how can you stand it?! Love those ice pictures.
Those pictures are seriously amazing. It looks like you are walking on water.
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