Thursday, January 10, 2013

2012 in Review

Here are some of the highlights of last year. It was a fantastic year! They keep getting better and better and we can't wait for some big changes this year (i.e. house hunting).

I witnessed the birth of my late cousin Jared's baby HERE.

We found out we pregnant with baby #2 HERE.

We went to Hawaii HERE.

Raquel got engaged HERE and married HERE.

We potty trained Claire at 22 months old HERE.

Claire turned two years old HERE.

Our marriage turned 5 years old HERE.

We had our baby boy, Alex, HERE.

We helped an orphanage in Mexico HERE.

In lieu of resolutions... my focus for this year is TIME.

I'm not going to say "do ____ every single day..." because that just doesn't happen. But I'm going to focus on and prioritize where my time is spent.

-Read the Book of Mormon cover to cover this year // Read the Ensign each month // Daily prayers //Monthly Temple
-Spend less time  (and $) online // More quality time with my kids and Ben // Sew and do more meaningful projects
-Read to Claire // Teach her something everyday // Practice more patience
-Follow some of the advice in The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands // Cook more meals
-Do weekly questions and a traveling journal with Ben (Ideas from here)
-Run 3-4 times a week // Finish the Ogden Half Marathon in under 2 hours and 30 minutes (gotta start somewhere)
-Eventually lose my last pesky 10 pounds of baby weight (which won't happen till I'm done nursing)
-Be positive and uplifting // "Assume the good and doubt the bad" // Serve others

2013 will be a great year! After all, thirteen is my lucky number! 


Lindsey and Tony said...

Probably the best resolutions I have heard! Thank you for sharing these with us/ me! You have always been someone I have looked up to.

Mindee said...

Wow these are great things to work on! I think I need to work on all these things.. Except for sewing..not one of my skills ha. Go you for having some great realistic goals : )