Thursday, August 29, 2013


All grown up... and drop dead gorgeous. 

And here we are! She and her bff Elisa being dropped off at school!  They were so excited. Especially about their matching bags. 

(Yes, Claire is 30% for height, but Elisa is about 8 months older)

(Thank goodness for iPhone pics!)

Here they are concentrating on drawling lines!  So excited for her and all she will learn this year.

Farewell & MTC

And he's outta here!  

This is a new experience for our family, sending a missionary out, and it's been a bittersweet thing.  James is the family clown, the life of the party, and our little bro... he will be missed like CRAZY but we are so excited for this amazing part of his life.  These two years will shape the rest of his life; the lifelong relationships he'll make, the people's lives he will change, the experiences and growth he will have... we can't wait.  

Here is a video I put together to show at his farewell:

The last time we are together for 2 years!

We had to sneak in a couple pictures of us cousins... we have the best memories growing up together. We love Kim and Erin!! 

Kim's little man, Bannock & Alex.  Alex is 4 months older. 

Alex will be 3 and Claire will be 5 when Uncle Tiago gets home!! Crazy!

Yesterday, I was able to join my family for one last lunch with James and then drop him off at the Missionary Training Center in Provo. 

Our car ride was a blast. Lots of anticipation made for hyperactive children.

And then the quick goodbye followed by lots of smiles and tears.

Here is a 2 minute video of our drop off. 

I am so proud of him!  He will ROCK his mission. He will be the favorite companion. Seattle is lucky.

(Taken by Anna)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Adios Summer '13

I got put in Beehives and LOVE it.  The whole Young Men/Young Women went boating up at Deer Creek and it was a blast:

James went through the temple on July 30th in Brigham City:

Garrison FHE at the Draper Temple:

24th of July fireworks in Mapleton! 

My sweet Grandparents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary and also their 80th birthdays this year! So the Johansen's had a get-together at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building on August 6th.  It was so fun to see everyone, pay tribute to our grandparents and hear funny memories!

 (Sorry that you look 4 feet tall Christy.. it's the best I could do with photoshop)

And this last weekend, I went to California for my cousin Nick's wedding. It was a beautiful weekend (full of lots of crazy bad luck) but I loved it. Just wish Ben and the kids could have gone! 

Ben sent this of Claire creeped out by the chickens at Grammy's:

 And last night, day before school starts, we went to the Highland fountains for FHE.  We were the only ones there--it was a bit chilly but super fun. 

This was one of the funnest summers ever!  We moved into our first home, I ran a half-marathon, Ben and I went to Costa Rica and Vegas, the kids had lots of time with sitters and Grandparents, my brother graduated and got his mission call/went through the temple, we made frequent trips to Wendy's and Snoasis, splash pads and Seven Peaks, Claire turned 3, and we made lots of new friends! ... I'm sad it's ending but so excited that Claire is starting Preschool next week!