We got this dude's tongue-tie clipped! Finally. They couldn't believe he hadn't gotten it done before now, or that they didn't catch it in the hospital. But I've been pumping for the last couple of months so we were anxious to get this done. Poor boy. It was awful.
He looked so cute in this giant swaddle.

He had a lip tie as well that I didn't know about.

The next two weeks were a nightmare. We had to stretch the areas out, massage and keep them from reattaching every 3 hours. I had to make Ben do it most of the time because I just couldn't handle it. But so glad it's done! Now he's a pro at solids.
This month we finally got rid of Jace's eczema too with some strong prescription stuff. Finally!! Poor dude has been scratching himself bloody for months.
Claire's preschool Christmas program was adorable. She's so cute and happy.
Best white elephant party ever. We have the best friends here!
Lydia was blessed at my parent's home on the 14th. Such a great night!
Christmas village with Brian and Anna and everyone!
Date lunch with my girl. 4 has been the hard year with this one, mostly because of her OCD (which I will mention in a later post). But she is a gem and we adore her.
Did a fun wedding of my old college roommate's sister. So fun to see and hang out with her!
Ward Christmas Party! Ben and I got put in charge of our ward's Christmas party. It was a lot of work; hope to not repeat in a long time! But man was it AWESOME. It turned out so great.
Love when the Christmas cards start pouring in!
December was one of the craziest months of my life. I was more stressed than I've been... maybe ever? I feel bad it was that way because I wasn't able to just relax and enjoy the holidays like usual. Next year I want to do things very differently! Glad it's over :)