What a great week! Everything has been going so well. After the headaches passed, I have been feeling really well for the most part. Of course, there are times when I'm hurting but overall it has been much better than the other two. I have been able to keep the house clean (which is super important to my sanity) and have kept everyone alive. Thanks to awesome neighbors, Claire has had a playdate almost every single day and lots of yummy meals. Alex still sleeps 3 hours a day so I'm able to get a nap or me-time.
Jace isn't a fan of his baths, which is unlike both the other kids. They never cried with bath time, even as a brand new baby.

He's a sleepy guy, but we're almost on a consistent Baby Wise, eat-wake-sleep 3-hour schedule.
Nan, Pa, and Aunt Peg came down to visit and meet Jace.
After only seeing me use this thing once, he sure knew what to do!
Alex is now our BIG HUGE baby. Changing his diapers are weird now.. I feel like we should not be doing that anymore. Ha. 
Claire and I went on a mommy-daughter date yesterday to see How to Train Your Dragon 2 -- it was so fun, we loved it! And super nice to get out of the house :)
We are just soaking up this newborn stage while we can! It goes so fast!
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